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7 Foods for High Blood Pressure Reduction – Must Try! 

Published : January 13, 2023

If you have high blood pressure, it’s essential to keep a balance between sodium and potassium. Sodium can increase blood pressure, while potassium can help to lower it.

Try to stick to the recommended amount of sodium daily, which is 2,300 milligrams or less. Get most of your potassium from fruits and vegetables. 

Trust me, Fruits and vegetables are the best medicine for lowering your high blood pressure. So I Intake them after trying regular medication as well.  

Let me show you some of the food I take to balance my blood pressure. Here are the seven foods

7 Foods for High Blood Pressure Reduction

1 Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits are also a good source of potassium, which can help lower blood pressure. In addition, consuming citrus fruits may help reduce blood pressure because they are low-fat, low-sodium food.

In one study, people who ate half a grapefruit or drank 8 ounces of grapefruit juice daily for two weeks had lower blood pressure than those who didn’t consume any citrus fruit.

Interesting Fact:

Japanese people aged 40 and over were randomly assigned to take daily lemon tea or to drink a black coffee beverage for one week.

The homed study then revealed that daily lemon tea intake during the testing period combined with moderate walking was significantly correlated with reductions in systolic BP, although the researchers were unsure whether the citric acid and flavonoid contents of lemons could have explained their findings

2 Salmon and other fatty fish

Salmon and other fatty fish are a great source of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s help to keep blood pressure in check by preventing the constriction of arteries and blood vessels. 

They also promote healthy cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of blood clots. Adding salmon or other fatty fish to your diet is an easy way to improve your heart health!

3 Swiss Chard

Swiss chard is a leafy green vegetable related to beets and spinach. It is high in fiber, vitamin C, and potassium.

Swiss chard may also help lower blood pressure. A study published in the journal Hypertension found that participants who ate four servings of Swiss chard per week significantly decreased blood pressure.

One more thing:

this is a leafy green vegetable related to beets and spinach. It has a slightly bitter taste and is a good source of fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, and potassium.

 Swiss chard also contains antioxidants that can help protect cells from damage. Swiss chard is a good choice for people who are trying to eat healthy, as it is low in calories and high in nutrients.

4 Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are a great source of magnesium, which is known to help regulate blood pressure. A one-ounce serving of pumpkin seeds provides nearly half the recommended amount of magnesium daily.

Magnesium helps the body maintain normal blood pressure levels by promoting vasodilation (widening blood vessels).

When blood vessels are dilated, they allow more blood to flow through them, which results in lower blood pressure. Pumpkin seeds are also a good source of zinc, another mineral shown to help lower blood pressure.

Not only that, Pumpkin seeds contain a wealth of antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. Here is a fact why you should try it:

A study published in The American Journal of Cardiology found that those who ate pumpkin seeds daily had a 36% decrease in heart disease risk over five years.

5 Beans and Lentils

Beans and lentils are excellent sources of protein and fiber, making them ideal for a healthy diet. Beans are also a good source of antioxidants, iron, and magnesium. Lentils are high in fiber and contain essential vitamins and minerals such as potassium, iron, and zinc.

Both beans and lentils can help to lower blood pressure. The fiber in these foods helps to reduce cholesterol levels and keep blood pressure under control.

Additionally, the protein in beans and lentils helps to maintain a healthy weight, which is another factor that contributes to blood pressure control.

6 Berries

Many health benefits can be derived from eating berries. Berries are a good source of fiber and antioxidants, which have been shown to protect against heart disease, stroke, cancer, and other diseases. 

They can also help regulate blood sugar levels and provide nutrients such as vitamin C. Berries are low in fat and contain the highest amount of antioxidants among all fruit juices.

Recent studies have shown that including berries in your diet can help regulate blood pressure. Specifically, blueberries and strawberries were found to have the most beneficial effects. They are believed to work by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress, which are linked to high blood pressure.

7 Amaranth

Amaranth is a cereal grain that has been around for over 8,000 years. It is high in fiber and protein and has a low glycemic index, making it a good food choice for people with diabetes or blood pressure problems. Amaranth is also gluten-free, so it is a good choice for gluten-intolerant people.

These benefits include reducing the risk of heart disease, improving blood pressure, and reducing harmful cholesterol levels.

 Amaranth also contains high levels of fiber, which can help with bowel regularity and digestion. Amaranth is a good source of protein and essential amino acids, making it a valuable addition to any diet.


In conclusion, many different foods can help to lower blood pressure. The best foods include vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds.

It is essential to choose healthy foods that are low in sodium and unhealthy fats. In addition, exercise is also necessary for keeping blood pressure under control. Following these tips can lower your blood pressure and improve your health.